
These commands must be typed in console
All VARS are reset at beginning of a new map
For list of VARS : "ntf_impulse list"
For help with this feature: "ntf_impulse help"

Landmine VARS: "landminetype"
MedScanner VARS: "medscanoff" , "medscandelay"
Radar VARS: "radarmode"
Hudprint VARS: "hudprintfix"
HUD help VARS "nohudhelp"

Specific VAR help: "ntf_impulse <cvar name> help"
e.g "ntf_impulse nohudhelp help"

Query VARS: "ntf_impulse <cvar name>"
e.g. "ntf_impulse nohudhelp"

Set VARS: ntf_impulse <cvar name> <setting>
e.g. Turn off HUD help: "ntf_impulse nohudhelp 1"